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     10月31日,波音公司召开发布会宣布已经向波音公务机(BBJ)客户推出了一种定制BBJ 737-7客舱内饰的新方法“BBJ优选”(BBJ Select),可以降低成本并加速VIP新飞机的交付。通过“BBJ优选”,波音可以提供多种不同的预先设计客舱布局和构型来加速内饰安装并降低飞机的整体采购价格。


  波音公务机总裁乔·本森(Joe Benson)表示:“波音公务机正在向客户提供一种新的更加流畅的方法,来为BBJ 737-7飞机设计独特、舒适且功能丰富的内饰。对于没有时间或需求来设计完全定制内饰的客户来说,‘BBJ优选’可以提供预先设计的选项来装修他们的客舱,从而为我们提供非常具有吸引力的固定价格。”


  “BBJ优选”一共可以提供采用三种不同色调的 144 种独特模块化客舱组合,涵盖个人、商务和国家元首飞机的各种要求。

  “BBJ优选”布局是与屡获殊荣的公务机完工中心 Aloft AeroArchitects和 Greenpoint Technologies 合作设计的,消除了安装全新客舱设计的一次性工程和相关工作的成本。为了简化购买体验,客户与波音公司签署一份单一合同,由波音负责监督装备齐全的 VIP 飞机的设计、制造和交付。

  “BBJ优选”客舱专为BBJ 737 MAX 系列的最新成员 BBJ 737-7提供。凭借优异的全球覆盖航程、卓越的客舱空间和同级别最佳的运营经济性,BBJ 737-7可载客连续飞行超过 15 小时,同时较上一代公务机降低了油耗和排放。 BBJ 被设计用于每日飞行,与竞争机型相比可靠性更高,并可保留更多残值。

  自1996年成立以来,波音公务机部门已售出260多架飞机,将民用航空的最佳优势带入了私人航空旅行领域。 凭借各种高性能飞机平台,波音公务机可以针对私人、商业或政府用途进行独特定制。

On October 31st, Boeing held a press conference to announce that it had launched a new method called "BBJ Select" for customizing the cabin interior of the BBJ 737-7 to Boeing Business Jet (BBJ) customers, which can reduce costs and accelerate the delivery of new VIP aircraft. Through BBJ Optimization, Boeing can provide a variety of pre designed cabin layouts and configurations to accelerate interior installation and reduce the overall purchase price of the aircraft.

Boeing introduced that "BBJ Preferred" is expected to save customers $20 million and nearly half of the decoration time, and the entire aircraft decoration time will be reduced from about 15 months to 6-8 months.

Boeing CEO Joe Benson stated: Boeing Business Jet is providing customers with a new and smoother way to design unique, comfortable, and feature rich interiors for the BBJ 737-7 aircraft. For customers who do not have the time or need to design fully customized interiors, 'BBJ Preferred' can provide pre designed options to decorate their cabins, providing us with a very attractive fixed price

The BBJ Preferred offers a total of 144 unique modular cabin combinations in three different tones, covering various requirements for personal, business, and head of state aircraft.

The "BBJ Preferred" layout was designed in collaboration with the award-winning corporate jet completion centers Aloft AeroArchitects and Greenpoint Technologies, eliminating the one-time engineering and related costs of installing a new cabin design. In order to simplify the purchasing experience, the customer has signed a single contract with Boeing, which is responsible for overseeing the design, manufacturing, and delivery of fully equipped VIP aircraft.

The 'BBJ Preferred' cabin is specifically designed for the latest member of the BBJ 737 MAX series, the BBJ 737-7. With excellent global coverage, excellent cabin space, and the best operating economy of its class, the BBJ 737-7 can carry passengers for over 15 hours of continuous flight, while reducing fuel consumption and emissions compared to the previous generation of business jets. The BBJ is designed for daily flights, with higher reliability compared to competing aircraft models and the ability to retain more residual values.

Since its establishment in 1996, Boeing's corporate jet division has sold over 260 aircraft, bringing the best advantages of civil aviation into the private air travel industry. With various high-performance aircraft platforms, Boeing corporate jets can be uniquely customized for private, commercial, or government use.

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