外媒:9月波音737 MAX交付量达两年来最低/Foreign media: Boeing 737 MAX delivery reached its lowest level in two years
据《华尔街日报》中文网11日报道,波音公司9月份737 MAX交付量触及两年多来的最低水平。
According to the Chinese website of The Wall Street Journal on the 11th, Boeing's 737 MAX delivery volume in September hit its lowest level in more than two years.
According to the report, Boeing faces a very basic problem of producing enough aircraft to meet demand. In addition to a relatively low delivery volume, the production of this aircraft worth over $100 million has only reached about half of the company's target, and the majority of the aircraft produced by the company is this type.
The report suggests that a series of issues with a key supplier have disrupted Boeing's operations this year. The newly discovered issue in August was a drilled hole on Boeing's best-selling 737 fuselage.
Boeing executives have stated that the delivery speed will slow down, but there is still hope of achieving the full year target. Boeing mentioned earlier this year that it is striving to achieve its monthly average production target of 38 737s. According to research firm Aero Analysis Partners/AIR, Boeing produced only 22 of the aircraft in September.
Boeing stated on Tuesday that it delivered 15 new 737 aircraft to global airlines in September, which is the lowest monthly delivery level since the company delivered 11 of the aircraft in May 2021.