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浅析二手航材在中国的使用/Analysis on the use of second-hand aviation materials in China





2020 年,一场突如其来的“新冠疫情”席卷全球,对整个世界的经济带来了“灾难”,全球的航空业在这次“新冠疫情”中也无可幸免地遭到了重创。数以万计的航空器停场、上百万条航线停运、数十万的裁员、几十家航空公司的破产倒闭,全球民航业进入了“严冬”。但是在政府和人民的齐心协力控制下,中国的疫情取得了全面胜利,中国的民航业也漂亮地走出了一个“U 型”反转。中国民航业在恢复运营的同时,也在不断思考和改变。其中,如何降低运行成本、高效利用资源就成为中国各航空公司的重要关注点之一。体现在航材方面,“二手航材”的使用就变成了热议的焦点。




近两年,针对中国国内航空营运人在使用“二手航材”中出现的问题,为进一步规范航材销售和使用中的安全性、可追溯性和系统化管理,中国民航局飞行标准司联合民航局综合司和中国民用航空维修协会(CAMAC),组织了多次 反复的专家论证,最终在2020年先后修订出台了3份相关文件,用于指导中国的航空运营人安全、合理、规范、有效地使用“二手航材”。这3份文件分别是:

(1)2020年2月25日民航局综合司修订下发的咨询通告“合格的航材” (AC-120-FS-058 R3);













从使用角度来讲,“二手航材”应当是因为维修或其他需求,从运行中或退役的航空器上拆下,并且最后一次维修和维修放行工作是由获得CCAR-145部相应批准的维修单位进行的,且具有由其签发的适航批准标签或批准放行证书(AAC-038 表)。

而对于只具有美国FAA的8130-3表格或者欧洲EASA的FORM 1等典型的 适航批准标签/批准放行证书的“使用过的航空部件”,目前在中国称之为“国外二手航材”,原则上是不能直接地安装在中国注册的航空器上使用。除非特殊紧急情况下,经营运人特别申请并得到民航局认可批准,个别的经批准的“国外二手航材”方可在中国注册的航空器上装机使用。







除去上面提到的三点外,航材供应商如果想扩大和加强二手航材的销售, 还应该关注下面几条:









“可疑非经批准的航材”是指未经民航局批准或认可的航空器材,表面上与民航局批准的航材一样,但缺乏证据证明其制造或维修过程满足民航局批准或认可的数据。因此在采购航材的过程中,应重点防范可能出现的“可疑非经 批准的航材”。

当然,对于任何利用欺骗、伪造等手段销售“非法航材”的供应商,任何航空营运人、维修单位和其他航材分销商都应及时上报民航局,将其列入行业不诚信 记录,同时保留追究其法律责任的权利。





在上述的3份指导性文件中,多次提到“航材供应商”。“航材供应商”是指向航空营运人提供民航局批准或认可的航空器部件和原材料的任何单位和个人, 包括经批准或认可的航空器部件制造厂家、航空营运人、维修单位或者航材分销 商。这其中,对于作为航材供应商的制造厂、营运人和维修单位的认定,民航局有CCAR 21、91、121、135、145部等相关法规进行规范控制,但航材分销商是需要通过民航局认可的行业协会的评估,并将其列入认证的航材分销商清单。

需要特别注意的是,任何仅提供信息、运输的代表和代理人不视为航材供应商。当然对于那些提供飞机改装方案和器材包的供应商,目前是依照DMDOR和VSTC以及CCAR 145部相关规定进行管理,这里就不展开讨论。 




作为“二手航材”销售中最活跃的航材分销商,民航局的文件将其定义为 “以自身名义从民用航空器及其零部件制造厂家、维修单位或其他航材供应商购买航空器部件或原材料,再销售给其他人的单位或个人”。

航材分销商是航材供应商的一种,是向航空营运人、维修单位提供二手航材的主要来源。合理有效、松紧有度地管控航材分销商,既可以降低航空公司 运行成本、提高效益,又可以保障航空营运人的安全运行。航材分销商的管控分为三层:第一层是民航局负责对航材分销商资质和运行规范做出指导性文件;第二层是行业协会利用好协会成员的专业资源,对航材分销商进行有效的评估、认证和专业化管理;第三层是航空营运人持续有效地对航材分销商进行质量监督和航材检验。



在民航局飞标司最新修订下发的信息通告“民航局认可的航材分销商评估”(IB-FS-MAT-001R1)中,明确了两家航空行业协会通过了民航局组织的航材分销商评估规范审核,这两家行业协会评估并认证的航材分销商可以看作为满足AC-120-FS-058 R3《合格的航材》要求的航材分销商。这两家行业协会分别是中国民用航空维修协会(CAMAC)和美国的航空供应商协会(ASA)。

目前,从民航局方的角度,任何一家航材分销商想进入中国的民航市场, 销售航材给中国的航空营运人或维修单位,它必须通过上述两家航空行业协会 中的任何一家的评估和认证,并接受该协会的持续监督审核管理。当然,对于 中国境内注册的航材分销商单位,选择中国民用航空维修协会作为评估认证机 构,无论在沟通联络上,还是在航空营运人认可上,都会更加便利高效。具体 的申请事宜,可以按照维修协会最新修订下发的文件“航材分销商资质评估标准和程序”(APS-R5)。





Based on the latest civil aviation regulations and circulars in our country, this paper explains in detail the concepts and meanings of qualified aviation materials, qualified second-hand aviation materials, qualified aviation suppliers, qualified aviation materials distributor and so on. It provides insight on how aviation operators manage and use second-hand aviation materials, and how aviation suppliers and distributors sell second-hand aviation materials.

1. Preface

In 2020, a sudden "new coronavirus epidemic" swept the world, bringing a "disaster" to the world's economy, and the global aviation industry was also hit hard in this "new coronavirus epidemic". Tens of thousands of aircraft parking, millions of air routes suspended, hundreds of thousands of layoffs, dozens of airline bankruptcies, the global civil aviation industry has entered a "severe winter." However, under the concerted control of the government and the people, the epidemic in China has achieved a comprehensive victory, and China's civil aviation industry has also beautifully stepped out of a "U-shaped" reversal. China's civil aviation industry in the resumption of operations at the same time, but also constantly thinking and change. Among them, how to reduce operating costs and efficient use of resources has become one of the important concerns of Chinese airlines. Reflected in the aspect of aviation materials, the use of "second-hand aviation materials" has become the focus of hot discussion.

2. Relevant background

In the past two years, in order to further standardize the safety, traceability and systematic management in the sale and use of aviation materials, the Flight Standards Department of the Civil Aviation Administration of China, together with the General Department of the Civil Aviation Administration of China and the Civil Aviation Maintenance Association of China (CAMAC), organized several repeated expert demonstrations. Finally, in 2020, three relevant documents have been revised and issued to guide China's aviation operators to use "second-hand aviation materials" safely, reasonably, standardized and effectively. The three documents are:

(1) Advisory Circular "Qualified Aviation Materials" (AC-120-FS-058 R3) issued by the General Department of Civil Aviation Administration on February 25, 2020 as amended;

(2) The Information Circular "Evaluation of Aviation Materials Distributors Approved by the Civil Aviation Administration" (IB-FS-MAT-001R1), revised and issued by the Department of Flying Standards of the Civil Aviation Administration on September 16, 2020;

(3) On October 19, 2020, the Civil Aviation Maintenance Association revised and issued the document "Aviation Materials Distributor Qualification Evaluation Criteria and Procedures" (APS-R5).

These three documents are important documents to guide aviation manufacturers, aviation operators, aviation maintenance units and aviation material suppliers of civil aviation in China to manufacture, sell and use aviation materials safely and effectively. This paper will closely focus on these three documents, analyze the use of the current concern of "second-hand aviation materials", throw bricks, discuss and encourage each other.

3. Second-hand aviation materials

3.1. Qualified aviation materials

"Qualified aviation materials" simply means aviation parts and equipment approved or recognized by the Civil Aviation Administration. It has "three attributes" : the first is legality, that is, it should have a complete and effective certification documents to show compliance with the provisions of civil aviation regulations on airworthiness; The second is to ensure the effective maintenance of seaworthiness during storage and transportation; The third is traceability, that is, used aircraft should have the time and cycle of use, the time and cycle of use after renovation, and the record documents confirming its historical condition.

"Qualified aviation materials" can be roughly divided into: standard parts, raw materials, new aviation parts (including PMA parts) and used aviation parts.

3.2. Qualified second-hand aviation materials

"Second-hand aviation materials" does not simply refer to the aviation equipment that is re-sold more than twice on the market, but the common name of "used aviation parts" mentioned in the definition of qualified aviation materials above, which can also be called "usable turnover parts". Therefore, the truly qualified second-hand aviation materials must also have the three attributes of "qualified aviation materials".

From the point of view of use, "used aircraft" should be removed from operational or retired aircraft for maintenance or other needs, and the last repair and maintenance release was carried out by a maintenance unit with the corresponding approval of Part CCAR-145 and with an airworthiness approval label or approval release certificate issued by it (Form AAC-038).

For the "used aviation parts" that only have the typical airworthiness approval label/approval release certificate such as the United States FAA FORM 8130-3 or the European EASA FORM 1, it is currently called "foreign second-hand aviation materials" in China, which in principle cannot be directly installed on the aircraft registered in China. Unless under special emergency circumstances, the operator specially applies and is approved by the Civil Aviation Administration, individual approved "foreign second-hand aviation materials" can be installed and used on the aircraft registered in China.

3.3. Qualified second-hand aviation material supplier

When selling second-hand aviation materials, suppliers should first meet the following three conditions:

First, it must be a qualified supplier of aviation materials. Second-hand aviation material suppliers can be basically divided into two categories: first, maintenance units approved or recognized by the Civil Aviation Administration; The second is to be evaluated by the Civil Aviation Maintenance Association and included in the list of certified aviation materials distributors (which will be detailed in the fourth part of this article).

Second, by the aviation operator or maintenance unit assessment audit, included in its approved list of aviation material suppliers;

Third, hold qualified second-hand aviation materials with an airworthiness approval label/approved release certificate recognized by the Civil Aviation Authority, with the emphasis on having qualified and effective traceability documents.

In addition to the three points mentioned above, aviation material suppliers should pay attention to the following if they want to expand and strengthen the sale of second-hand aviation materials:

First, continue to pay attention to the Civil Aviation Administration's policies and regulations on aviation materials formulation and revision;

Second, strictly control the source of aviation materials, at least the traceability of aviation materials to do "know";

Third, strengthen the control of warehousing and transportation links, so that their logistics storage system can be integrated with the storage system of aviation operators or maintenance units;

Fourth, pay attention to after-sales, especially to provide lifelong document support for second-hand aviation materials sold;

Fifth, actively apply new technologies such as the Internet of Things and blockchain to the sale of second-hand aviation materials.

3.4. How do airline operators manage the use of second-hand aviation materials

When purchasing, managing, using and re-selling second-hand aviation materials, aviation operators and maintenance units should control all aspects of the supply chain of second-hand aviation materials. In addition to controlling financial price risks, they should also focus on: Effective evaluation and management of aviation materials suppliers, compliance and legality of procurement processes, perfection and integrity of procurement contracts, supervision of aviation materials packaging and transportation, acceptance and testing of aviation materials in storage, identification and control of suspicious non-approved aviation materials, safe storage of aviation materials and storage of documents and installed information, filing of in-and-out storage and installation information, claim delivery and repair management, lease and loan management, troubleshooting and package management Management, re-sale of the document handover and preservation, etc., here is not to go into details. However, it is worth noting the instructions in the Civil Aviation Authority document on "control of suspicious non-approved aviation materials".

"Suspected non-approved aviation material" means an aviation material that has not been approved or approved by the Civil Aviation Authority, which appears to be the same as the Civil Aviation Authority approved aviation material, but lacks evidence that its manufacturing or maintenance process meets the data approved or approved by the Civil Aviation Authority. Therefore, in the process of purchasing aviation materials, we should focus on preventing possible "suspicious non-approved aviation materials".

Of course, for any supplier that uses deception, forgery and other means to sell "illegal aviation materials", any aviation operator, maintenance unit and other aviation materials distributors should report to the Civil Aviation Administration in a timely manner, and include it in the industry record of bad faith, while reserving the right to pursue its legal responsibility.

4. Aviation material suppliers and distributors

4.1. Aviation material suppliers

In the above three guidance documents, "aviation material suppliers" are mentioned several times. "Aviation materials Supplier" refers to any entity or individual that provides aircraft parts and raw materials approved or approved by the Civil Aviation Administration to aviation operators, including approved or approved aircraft parts manufacturers, aviation operators, maintenance units or aviation materials distributors. Among them, for the identification of manufacturers, operators and maintenance units as suppliers of aviation materials, the Civil Aviation Administration has CCAR 21, 91, 121, 135, 145 and other relevant regulations to regulate and control, but aviation materials distributors are required to pass the assessment of industry associations recognized by the Civil Aviation Administration, and include them in the list of certified aviation materials distributors.

In particular, it is important to note that any representative or agent who provides only information and transportation is not considered a supplier of aviation materials. Of course, for those suppliers who provide aircraft modification programs and equipment packages, they are currently managed in accordance with the relevant regulations of DMDOR and VSTC and CCAR Part 145, which will not be discussed here.

In addition, according to the current quality management system required by the audit and certification documents, the probability of an individual becoming an aviation material supplier is almost zero.

4.2. Distributor of aviation materials

As the most active distributor of "used aviation materials" sales, the Civil Aviation Administration documents define it as "an entity or individual that purchases aircraft parts or raw materials in its own name from manufacturers of civil aircraft and their parts, maintenance units or other suppliers of aviation materials, and then sells them to others."

Aviation material distributor is a kind of aviation material supplier, which is the main source to provide second-hand aviation materials to aviation operators and maintenance units. Reasonable, effective and tight control of aviation material distributors can not only reduce the operating costs of airlines and improve benefits, but also ensure the safe operation of aviation operators. The control of aviation materials distributors is divided into three layers: the first layer is that the Civil Aviation Administration is responsible for making guidance documents on the qualifications and operation specifications of aviation materials distributors; The second layer is that the industry association makes good use of the professional resources of its members to carry out effective evaluation, certification and professional management of aviation materials distributors; The third layer is the continuous and effective quality supervision and inspection of aviation materials distributors by aviation operators.

4.3. Industry association recognized by Civil Aviation Authority

In the newly revised information circular "Evaluation of Aviation Materials Distributors Approved by the Civil Aviation Administration" (IB-FS-MAT-001R1), it is clear that two aviation industry associations have passed the evaluation specification audit of aviation materials distributors organized by the Civil Aviation Administration. These two trade associations have assessed and certified aircraft distributors as meeting the requirements of AC-120-FS-058 R3. The two trade associations are the Civil Aviation Maintenance Association of China (CAMAC) and the Us-Based Aviation Suppliers Association (ASA).

At present, from the perspective of the Civil Aviation Administration, any aviation materials distributor who wants to enter China's civil aviation market and sell aviation materials to China's aviation operators or maintenance units must pass the evaluation and certification of either of the two aviation industry associations above, and accept the ongoing supervision and audit management of the association. Of course, for the registered aviation materials distributor units in China, choosing the China Civil Aviation Maintenance Association as the evaluation and certification body will be more convenient and efficient in communication and communication, or in the recognition of aviation operators. Specific application matters can be in accordance with the latest revised document issued by the Maintenance association "Aircraft Distributor Qualification Evaluation Criteria and procedures" (APS-R5).

5. Closing remarks

After 10 years of stable development, the global civil aviation industry is facing challenges and shocks in 2020. Some experts predict that the global civil aviation industry will not recover to 2019 levels until the end of 2023. At present, in the face of the sharp contraction of global aviation maintenance output value and the sharp decline in aviation new parts trading, aviation asset prices fluctuate, second-hand aviation materials trading began to be active, and some people in the industry even shouted "spring of second-hand aviation materials". However, in any case, the use of second-hand aviation materials needs to optimize available resources and adjust the operation mode on the basis of legal compliance and assessment of the situation, in order to survive and rise from the ashes of the phoenix.

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